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My first try at doing the Schoenberg...

(3 Votes)
1.0 (Updated 10 years ago)
June 16, 2014
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Sequencer


My first try at doing the Schoenberg...

The central element of the ensemble is the Alpengluehen instrument and the associated CH1 and CH2 Instruments below.

The Alpengluehen is kind of a mixture between a pitch remapper and a step sequencer and is pretty much an implementation of Schoenbergs tone row. It does not adhere to the dogma of having all 12 tones played before repeating, so it should be able to do "pop music", too.

Anything you send to the CH1 or CH2 instruments gets a new pitch. Only the notes C# to F and C of each octave do something useful, the rest of the keys is "undefined". At any point in time Alpengluehen will have an active step displayed. If you send a c# to Alpengluehen the pitch will be replaced with the selected pitch for that step (transposed to the right octave and transposed by the setting of the Transp control.

Sending a d will play the previous step, d# step -2, e step -3 ...

Sending a C will advance the tone row by one step and output the current step.

Anything CH1 receives gets repitched and send to the FM4 instrument (borrowed from the factory library).

Anything sent to CH2 gets repitched and sent to the Mr. MONO, an old (but fun) Stephan Becker synth:

CH1 gets inputs from the Monoline->row 1-1 to row 1-3 sequencers.
(those are slightly modified monoline factory ensembles. the overall pitch is now purely an octave shift, the pitch control gets quantized down to the 6 steps c to f. Please take care: long gates can create hanging notes...)

To add a simple beat I ripped out the drums part of the Technotribe (bunch of creators/modifiers, the last one was Phil Durrant, original was before my time):

There are some "tutorial" snaps to give you a rough Idea, how stuff works:
(all snapshots are on Ensemble level!)

Tutorial 0-8 is more or less dance music style:

0: 4-step Bass sequence; rather boring. Please note, that the sequencer always outputs the same pitch. The pitch sequence is driven by the Alpengluehen.

1: Same thing, a bit of a rhythmic pattern to make the following changes more noticeable...

2: Things slowly get interesting: The length of the pitch sequence in Alpengluehen is reduced to 3. Therefore the pitch sequence shifts with respect to the rhythmic pattern, resulting in a longer sequence.

3: same thing, longer pitch sequence

4: 8-step pitch sequence. Only the 1st and 4th step play a c and therefore advance the sequencer. Steps 2 and 3 play a previous steps. Result: a 2 bar pattern from 8*16th steps.

5: An additional voice finally... The additional sequencer does play the FM4 instrument and does not play c´s therefore not advancing the clock.

6: Ah, polyrhythms :-) Now the left sequencer is running 9/8th patterns over the 8/16th pattern of the right sequencer. Thanks to the conservative setting of the Alpengluehen everything stays nicely tonal.

7: 3rd Voice (also FM4), this one runs a 12/8th pattern. Just to get more confusing sequences this sequence also contains a c, so every 1.5 bars we shift the pitch sequence by an additional step...

8: And the 4th sequencer. Straight 1 bar sequence here, it kind of helps to keep stuff together...

Tutorial1+drums adds a simple/annoying drum pattern, just to help you keep track...

Tutorial 2 is more strange...

If you are looking for the bad Schoenberg fake look at the bad 12 tone presets...

Additional Info:
- you can also send stuff from external sequencers to the CH1 and CH 2 instruments. CH 2 sends to a monophonic synt, so polyphonic stuff might behave odd...
- You can switch around the sends of CH1 and CH2 and e.g. send the re-pitched notes to external hardware
- adding more channels is easy: Just copy CH1 or 2, connect the Outputs from Alpenglühen and add an additional step input to Alpengluehen. The step inputs just run to a merger, so the change is rather easy.


10 years ago
Danke Micha.